Paris, city of romance.
At the Pont des Arts, lovers declare their eternal love for one another by tagging their appellations to the cold metal of a padlock, engaging the lock and dispatching the key into the Seine to seal their chastity.
The municipality, afraid of the weight of love degrading the tensile strength of the bridge and plunging future lovers to their watery graves, removed the pullulating concatenation of padlocks. They declared however, that Paris was still the city for lovers. Only the chastity belts were now digital, their keys selfies.
The hackers had no trouble picking the padlock of Ashley Madison's source code and releasing the names of the unfaithful lovers around the world.
The Seine failed to turn to rust with the betrayal.
Paris, city of mistresses and not just separate beds, but separate bedrooms.

LOL that's the internet for you these days! Ah Parie!
Love the setting. Only in Paris. Sad about the locks being unlocked!
I doubt the padlocks even with their keys committed to the waters of the Seine could secure love for any length of time.
I liked the Ashley Madison inclusion. Fidelity doesn't seem to be a Parisian thing regardless of locks or selfies. Fun story.
In some places they just take away the metal grilles the locks are attached they're taking the commitments lock, stock and barrel...
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