Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Quickie Divorce (real time) - Friday Flash

portmanteau tote
combination drawstrings
ingress exhalation
plush riband
foam crepe
recesses crinkle
moulded atomiser
lubricant billow
muzzle luscious
assemblage salve
smooth stilettos
black weal
steel pumice
tapered tallow
grooved aromatherapy
symbiosis cordial
indurate ottoman
buttressed recumbent
heft bliss
ratchet operatic
crosshairs maestro
bloodless ardour
torque crescendo
declutch conducting
reverberation timpani
recoil exultation
rupture soaring
pithed bodiless
perforated suds
punctured immersion
spatter smirch
encore encore
flawless purged
dismantle uncluttered
reconceal divested
dematerialise triumphant
quietus release
contract decree
nisi absolute


Sonia Lal said...

I am glad you have such a descriptive title, because otherwise, I would be totally baffled. Instead of mostly baffled, which is what I am now. I don't get. I mean the words are total opposites, but I don't think I get the connection with divorce.

John Wiswell said...

You get the adjectives on odd weekends. I get the sentence fragements on holidays.

Sulci Collective said...


Anonymous said...

Each word is the summation of a stage of a marriage (reaching the point of adultery or perhaps the attempt tp spice things up) and then going into decline, to be read left to right, left to right in a sequence.Effectively from them moving into together (her the portmanteau his the toe) to the degree absolute.
Am I close?

Sulci Collective said...

Oooh that would be telling! But yes to be read down and across like an acrostic in some ways


Anonymous said...

Got it now, to dark for me at first to see.
The quickest way to end a marriage is murder...
Yikes, hope your OH doesn't read this!

mazzz in Leeds said...

Ah, I got it on second read, between reverberation and recoil!

Sulci Collective said...

Mazzz, you being a gun girl as well!


Tim VanSant Writes said...

I like the intersection at "encore." I first read top to bottom and didn't notice it.

Sulci Collective said...

The weird thing you've just made me realise, is that I don't think I'd ever read either of them down, but always across the two. Each line was written as a pair, though with the echo of the previous line in my head

Michael Solender said...

very clever

Tony Noland said...

It was the set of tags that helped me get it. Great cut scenes from the winner in this transaction to the loser. Well done.

Deanna Schrayer said...

I began to understand about halfway through, and so went back to read again from the beginning. I love it Marc, so much said in so few words. I'm loving this experimental stage you have going on, keep it up!

Icy Sedgwick said...

I admit, I didn't really get it - all I saw was a list of opposites, until about halfway through when I think I finally picked up the thread.

Kat said...

I got it...but then I'm weird like that. Plus, my class did a similar exercise in Creative Writing at OU. And I'm used to abstract thought and painting...

I would say my number one flaw is omitting too much and expecting the reader to do some work (thinking, reading between the lines) and then going overkill in editing to make things more clear. I end up feeling too wordy.

I much prefer the bare bones, so to speak. So I liked it. It was like a puzzle. And isn't that symbolic for divorce? All the pieces that once fit, scatter. Until all you're left with is emotions that defy words or logic? Useless words that mean nothing, do nothing to convey the reject, failure, anguish, and hatred?

It's perfect, Marc. Just perfect. :)

Unknown said...

After reading the comments, I can easily see where it was going but ... I'm not a good judge and often awful at reading anything remotely abstract. Call me Mr. Linear narrative. But I truly admire your brave attempt the step outside of the creative box.

Donald Conrad said...

This looks like my thought process after speed reading articles about vacation getaways, two new cars, sports highlights, and the weekend nightlife.

Anonymous said...

I got it, but took a some time to re-read and think about what was actually going on - which is a good way to refresh our reading habits I think. Keep up the obscure work :)

Melissa said...

bravo! love this.