Tuesday, 21 August 2012

25 words

the girl's unsuctioned velcro sneaker straps were flapping insolently as she walked. the winged feet of a cherub unable to elevate her above the terrestrial


Li said...

"flapping insolently". That hits home, I have a real aversion to the unstrapped, untied, untongued shoe fad. (If untongued isn't a word, it should be.)

Sulci Collective said...

Thanks Li, in a novella of mine I wrote about the spaghetti of deliberately untied laces, the tongue being cut out and socks being cut off above the ankle! They were all expressions of the teenager's emotional state

Helen A. Howell said...

rude flapping straps - conjures up a very strange image in my mind ^_^

John Wiswell said...

Maybe they'd enable flight if she'd strap them correctly.

Denise said...

How can you possibly fit so much into 25 words!?! It's uncanny!