Wednesday, 31 August 2011


I'd be very grateful if you wonderful guys out there would help me come to a decision what to name my new genre book. I'll list the possible titles and if you could vote your fave in the comment section. At the bottom I'll give a brief blurb as well, so you can actually cast 2 votes, one just on title itself (grab factor) and a second if necessary given the outline of the book.

many thanks

Marc x

The Candidate Titles are as follows:

1) The Third Eye Policeman
2) Cuban Decay
3) Procedural Death
4) The After-Image Man
5) The Sum of The Parts
6) The Death Of Procedure
7) An Eye For An Eye For An Eye
8) Dead To The World

The Blurb:

You can tell a lot about a society by its murderers... Simon Moralee has the gift of decocting the faces of murderers from the last images witnessed by their victims. His clear-up rate is 100%, but such is the dystopic society's slide into predation, how much is his work making any kind of difference? The Police minders assigned to him have nothing to do except cultivate their resentment; for with Simon's advent, all police procedure has become redundant. But when a criminal mastermind with his own psychic talents comes hunting for Simon, a deadly game is joined.


Nikki said...
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Nikki said...

I like The After Image Man, although I don't think it lends itself well to the synopsis. It sounds to simplistic.
Sorry, not really helping... ;-)

Li said...

I visualized walking into a book store and seeing a display of books with white jackets and just the titles in black.

On that basis, I would pick Cuban Decay and The After-Image Man because I find the titles different, intriguing. I'd definitely pick them up, look for a blurb, and read a page or two.

Virginia Moffatt said...

The Decay of Procedure captures the essence but isn't as snappy as The After Image Man.

So one of those...

Marisa Birns said...

The Third Eye Policeman does it for me.

Denise said...

I like either Procedural Death or The Death of Procedure. Can't quite decide which I prefer. I like the sound of the words, and they fit with the the blurb - all the usual procedures are dying away.

Anonymous said...

I prefer The Sum of The Parts.


Dan Holloway said...

Mm, tricksy. These titles feel very much more "regular" than the synopsis. The After Image Man is the one that fits best by far. What you need is something that sounds like it could have been a Philip K Dick Title - something with the rhythm of We Can Remember it For You Wholesale. The DEath of Procedure almost works but is too mainstream - The Death of The Procedure is more in keeping?

Martin Turnbull said...

I liked "Cuban Decay" the best...although I wasn't sure what it had to do with the synopsis and assumed that Simon is from Cuba. Or is this set in Cuba? Miami? Perhaps mention where this all takes place.

Second place getter: "An Eye For An Eye For An Eye" - a title like that holds great potential for cover art.

shaonnon esposito said...

I like The Third Eye Policeman, although the "a deadly game" phrase at the end of your little synopsis caught my attention. Maybe because Hunger Games is so wildly popular right now? I don't know, but can't wait to read it, sounds intriguing!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Denise on that one. Death and Procedure match your blurb.

Mari said...

Without the blurb I was in doubt between An Eye For An Eye For An Eye and The After Image Man (without the "the"), but after the blurb I agree with Nikki. Besides, the eye option gets literal and symbolic after reading the blurb. I like the dichotomy.

Anonymous said...

After Image man
or Third Eye Policeman get my votes.

Adam B said...

Options aplenty. Preferred titles:
The After Image Man
An Eye for an Eye for an Eye
The Death of Procedure
Adam B @revhappiness

Chuck Allen said...

Before the blurb I liked The Third Eye Policeman. After reading the blurb I liked it even more.

TheTwistedOne said...

Before I read it I liked The Third eye Policeman & after it I prefer Third Eye Witness.

Hope this helps.


Lexx said...

An Eye For An Eye For An Eye :o)

Andy H said...

hmmm, not in love with any of the titles, would go along with others on third eye policeman, but i thought it would be cooler if you could twist the phrase "third eye blind" into something that fit "third eye vision", "third eye cop", third eyesight", "3 eyed cop," so just rambling, i have fun playing with titles !!! good luck, smart to put out requests for comments

Cat Russell said...

After image man sounds cool and somewhat descriptive. Also hints that the criminal mastermind might have same talent.

Lee Ann Harrison said...

After Image Man or Eye for eye, etc.

Unknown said...

After Image Man

AntCityUK said...

Sounds like a good read. I vote for 'The Death of Procedure' as it has an echo of the dystopic 'The Death of Grass' (although John Christopher wasn't writing about murdered police informants). Here's one not on your list, 'EyePlod.'

Linda said...

Fascinating synopsis. I would read the book. BUT... you will need to tweak toreflect whatever title you choose.

Like Cuban Decay but there is nothing in synopsis to tell us this is a Cuban story.

If I had to choose -- The Death of Procedure

But why not simply - The Third Eye?

Very exciting for you - congrats! Peace...

Sulci Collective said...

Thanks guys, keep 'em coming.

The Cuban Decay thing probably isn't going to win, but it's a reference to the process of mend & make do of Cuba under the US blockade and applying a similar decay to the dystopia in the book. It's not actually set in Cuba.

Laurita said...

The Death of Procedure, but I also like Linda's suggestion.

Tim Pelan said...

The Third Eye Police man, or Death Of The Procedure

Anonymous said...

Cuban Decay OR An eye for an eye for an eye.

But Cuban Decay most punchy.But Cubist Decay even better! Pen

Vixen Phillips said...

I like The Third Eye Policeman.
FWIW. ;)

Vix @lostvioletpress

Jen said...

I adore, "The After-Image Man."

After reading the blurb, I still prefer it.